
Thursday, March 12, 2015


The next small unit we will look at is the unit dealing with poverty in America and in Vernon County.  Although most of you live the affluent American lives that most in the world dream of, there are actually many people right here, in this town that struggle to make ends meet.  These people are living below the poverty line and need assistance to make it from month to month.  Believe it or not there are many homeless people living in Vernon County as well that need assistance to survive.  We will look at these subjects as they are tied into the last unit we looked at dealing with racism and race relations in America.

Attached are the notes for the unit Poverty Notes


A fun assignment that I want us to do will be called - The Westby Current Events Channel!

For this assignment, the following will take place:

  1. Get yourselves into groups of 3 - 5 students
  2. Each group will be responsible for creating a "news update" of current events that are happening at our school each week.
  3. This includes creating a video that will be posted on my youtube channel and this will be shared with the rest of the school in the hopes that all students will watch it on Mondays during I & E period.  
  4. You can use your own video equipment for this assignment or you can use my classroom ipad which can easily shoot the video and upload it to the youtube channel.  I will preview videos before they are shared with the school.
  5. Videos must be at least 3 minutes long and should be no longer than 6 minutes.
  6. Videos should cover things that are currently happening in the school on a weekly basis.  Example:  Your videos should be completed and sent to me or be on the ipad by the end of the day Friday so I can upload them to the youtube channel for viewing on Monday.
  7. Videos can include interviews of staff and students and this is supposed to be a "news-like" informational video.
  8. Each group will do this hopefully twice which will take us to the end of the school year.
  9. You will receive a completion grade of 40 points per person for each video.

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